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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Tobacco Suit...

Well, there appears to be another in the long list of Bush appointing people to regulate themselves.

It has been widely reported in the news over the past few days that the government case against the tobacco companies had been seeking an award of $130 billion dollars, and that in a surprise move at the last minute (after nine months of building a case and every reason to expect that they would win the whole ball of wax), the government reduced its requested damages by over 92% to a mere $10 billion. Still a large amount, and you can argue the merits of the case all you like, but why the sudden decision that perhaps the tobacco folks didn't need to be punished as much?

It turns out, this directive came from Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum, who prior to his current job was a law partner at an Atlanta law firm representing, you guessed it, the Tobacco Industry.

At a time when we are back to deficit spending, why are we turning down large sums of money?

And more importantly, if we're going to let people police themselves, why even have the pretense of oversight? Save the money and just shut down the Justice Department, the EPA, the SEC. Cut their funding. Not that I would advocate this course of action, but if you're going to remove the teeth from these organizations, such that they no longer have will or power to actually regulate anything, then why are we still paying for them?

Copyright (c) June 16, 2005 by Liam Johnson. http://www.liamjohnson.net


Blogger Ken Grandlund said...

Give 'em teeth or gut 'em...makes perfect sense to me, but then I suppose Common Sense isn't really a quality that is admired in politics.

Thursday, June 16, 2005 6:34:00 PM

Blogger Sar said...

Prime example of special interest politics. Why else would the government allow a known fatal product to still be marketed? It's ok to smoke cigarettes and die but it's not ok to smoke pot and live.

Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:41:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...


I'm afraid you're right. Common Sense doesn't enter into American politics, and to that end, I'm probably beating my head against the wall blogging about how the world SHOULD be. But if even just a few people read what I write and think in a new way, it will have been worth it. And if not, I've fed my ego into THINKING people want to read what I have to say, and so it's all good.

And Sar, it's just the tip of the iceberg of course. Pork Barrel politics on both sides of the aisle. We can't shut down tobacco because it's such an important crop to some of our states. Pot doesn't have that going for it, and enacting these draconian laws allows our Congress people of both houses to tout how tough they are on crime and drugs.

Thank you both for stopping in!


Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:07:00 PM


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