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Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Most people have by now read or heard about Bush's "Q&A" with 10 soldiers in Iraq. Billed as a free exchange between 10 soldiers and their Commander in Chief, more and more evidence shows up that it was, in fact, scripted to the nines.

Additionally, at least one of the participants has an odd affinity for showing up whenever soldiers are interviewed. Apparently this one soldier (I can't find the source now, I'll try to find it later and update this) has been on television giving the "average soldier's" view more often than the President himself.

Anyway, Paul Rieckhoff is a vet who has set up a web site called "Operation Truth", dedicating to getting the word out from soldiers whose own blogs are censored.

He has posted this article on the Huffington Post today which is highly enlightening. Two soldiers were asked several of Bush's questions from the televised event, and their answers couldn't be more different.

Now, the same charge might be leveled at Reickhoff, that his selection of soldiers is self selecting towards those who disagree with what is going on in Iraq, but on the other hand, Reickhoff isn't their Commander in Chief, he doesn't have the staff to coach their answers. And anyway, he doesn't have to show what ALL soldiers think, he only needs to show that the universal love-fest for Bush that we saw on TV isn't the full story.

This Administration will stop at nothing to put it's message out there, even when that message is demonstrably false. They have mischaracterized this administration-scripted self-congratulatory hand job as somehow indicative of the real story in Iraq, instead of just an inventive press release.

They can't be trusted. Get 'em out.



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