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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I find it interesting to note that even the usually lock-stepped GOP is fracturing over the Iraq war.

It must be very difficult for those who swallow all things Republican as the gospel truth when within the same day, you have on the one side, Vice President Cheney interviewed today on Rush Limbaugh's show saying of conditions there, "If you look at the general overall situation, they're doing remarkably well." You also have Rep. Peter King saying that Baghdad is just like Manhattan and that you'd never know there was a war going on there.

Then you check out the BBC (as reported in Australia's Daily Telegraph) and you find James Baker (former GOP Secretary of State) saying Iraq was a "helluva mess."

The spin is coming apart. What ever will the faithful do?

I suppose there's always the truth.

Nah, that's too much to ask.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you faithful Liam? Are you taunting the faithful as if Christianity is something to laugh at?

Thursday, October 19, 2006 8:50:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...


I don't really know how you made that leap. It should be clear that by "the faithful" I meant "the party faithful", those who seem to worship at the altar of Republicanism.

I do not taunt Christians, nor Jews nor Muslims nor Hindus. Not even Scientologists, although that one's kind of tough. Seriously, I respect people's religious beliefs.

However, I have significantly less respect for people who decide to buy into a political party and stop considering the actual issues or caring about their principles.

THOSE are the "faithful" I'm gently taunting. The ones who have so bought into Rush/Sean/Bill/Ann and the rest that they no longer notice even the slightest hypocrisy or falsehood in their stories. The ones who are now going to have to figure out whether to believe the OLD Republican guard, who say Iraq is a "helluva mess", or the NEW Republican guard, who say things are going just fine.

It's a lot easier for the party faithful to blindly tow the line when the party line is in lock step. Once it separates, there's going to be a painful cognitive disonance for those who aren't thinking.

And I have to admit, the idea of people who have surrendered their thinking to other people having to suddenly start thinking again is pretty attractive to me.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:11:00 PM


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