A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Break From Politics

This blog started out to be a place where I could talk about anything, and over time it has sort of evolved into "All Politics, All The Time".

However, today my son Liam did something notable that makes me very happy, and so I thought I'd take a moment to document it: He sang with me and matched my pitches.

Liam is a reluctant speaker, he speaks a lot of nonsense words, but generally only speaks in monosyllables (occasionally two syllables). "Bye". "Hi". "Stop it".

However, he'll often repeat back what we ask him to repeat. A common set is the alphabet, and when he doesn't wish to repeat back a new word, sometimes we'll make a game of it, A, B, C, D, Cow, F, G, H, Moo, ... etc. (That was an example from last week, when we were trying to get him to name a cow and answer the question "What does the cow say"). Another common one is to repeat back one word at a time "I love you Daddy".

So in the car today I decided to try an octave, mostly just hoping to hear different words from him (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do), but I noticed that he seemed to be matching my pitch as he repeated them back.

Of course, he's got an extremely limited range, so if I'm not very careful to start it at the right place he runs out of notes before we run out of octave, but the impressive thing is that when I'm within his range he's right on the note more often than he's not, which is unusual for a child this young (two and a half, for those who have lost count).

Does this mean he'll be some sort of vocal prodigy? Who knows. But I do hope it means that sooner rather than later he'll be singing along with me, and that's pretty cool.

Liam (the elder).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowing your involvement in and love of music, that is VERY cool.

I can see a father and son duo -- the "Two Liams" maybe?

Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:38:00 AM

Blogger Ross said...

Echoing: that is VERY cool.

But given that children of that age readily learn tonal languages like Mandarin Chinese, is it really uncommon? Or is it just unnoticed most of the time, and you are a particularly perceptive father?

Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:53:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

In my experience with my older children, kids generally don't really catch on to the concept of pitch until much later.

I'm sure if it was part of the language and we drilled them on it, they could get it sooner, but the natural pitch matching ability doesn't seem to come on until much later.

I thought it was really cool. I'm hoping to get video of it and I might put it up on YouTube and link it here in the blog, if I can...


Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:33:00 PM


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