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Friday, May 22, 2009


Wasn't this the administration that was going to start following American values and American laws?

Am I missing something?

I'm not sure, yet, I'm overtired and having trouble focusing on the news blurb I just heard on TV, so I'm going to have to do some more digging when I'm fresher to make sure I heard/understood correctly, but if what I heard was correct, President Obama is trying to assert the legal right to hold people indefinitely, without charge. People who have not committed any crimes on the belief that they might commit such crimes in the future.

He couched it all in fancy talk about American values, and being subject to judicial review and the like, which is a step better than the last guy, but on just.

I really hope I misunderstood this. Because I'm just getting used to the idea that maybe I can comfortably travel to Europe again and not feel the urge to tell people I'm Canadian, just so they won't look at me in that certain way. I'm really not ready yet for another President, another administration, who feel that the Constitution and the core values of this country are obstacles to be overcome or somehow maleable to the needs of the moment.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I will hold President Obama's feet to the fire (to what limited extent I can here on this blog) just like I did President Bush, if I feel he's violating the law or the spirit of this country.



Anonymous Linda said...

I'm not sure what report you were listening to, but I felt the same way while watching Rachel Maddow's May 21st show (you can go online and view it, check the "previously" menu and select the date). She spoke of the "tale of two speeches," referring to the prolonged detention mentioned amid his flowery speech of other subjects.

I wasn't listening to many reports, and I don't get cable (hence, no cable news), so I'm not sure if she was the only one pointing this out. It unnerved me. One thing she pointed out that also caused me concern was her noticing that Obama's new Attorney General seldom speaks, that Obama is speaking in place of him. I remember a time when a strong Attorney General or two spoke clearly publically on important issues.

So yes, I felt that alarming feeling as well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 8:25:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:06:00 AM


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