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Friday, June 17, 2005

At least THIS never happens here...

(Warning. This is disgusting. It is vile. And I'm writing about it because I have to tell someone. You probably don't want to read it. On the other hand, it's probably important that you do. The choice is yours.)

Something to put our treatment of prisoners into perspective. I don't think it lets us off of the hook, we're SUPPOSED to be better than these people, and so when we fail it is, perhaps, all the less forgivable. But still...

Two news stories in the last 24 hours.

The first from Pakistan, about a woman named Mukhtaran Bibi. Her brother commits (or supposedly commits) a crime in her local village. The tribal elders find him guilty, and their sentence is (I can barely type this without shaking in fury) a sanctioned gang rape of Mukhtaran Bibi. HE commits the crime, SHE pays the price. Local custom expects that following this horrific assault on her person, she will commit suicide for the honor of her family. This story, at least, has a positive side. Instead of killing herself and perpetuating this vile system, she pressed charges against the rapists, who were convicted. Now the government of Pakistan has put her on a do-not-fly list and is refusing to allow her to go (as invited) to a speaking engagement in the United States. More details can be found here. I'm not sure what can be done, but publicity is always good, and so I'm doing my best to spread the story.

The second is not as immediately horrific, but also sadder because there is no good news component. Near New Delhi, India, a woman was raped by her father in law. After five children and ten years of marriage, local Community leaders (supported by muslim clerics) have decreed that being raped ends her marriage to her husband. She is required by law to live with her parental family for just over seven months in order to "purify" herself, and then she must marry the man who raped her, her husband's father.

But this case only gets worse. Her four brothers agree to the punishment. She does not, but with no support, she has no choice. The only glimmer of hope is that police are investigating and plan to arrest the father in law. The story can be read here.

Evil evil evil people. Sometimes I wonder if humanity really has any right to continue to exist. Words... are failing me.



Blogger Ralph said...

Amazing. Bush had nothing to do with this evil.

Friday, June 17, 2005 5:30:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

Nope. But I hold us (Americans all, not just Bush) to a higher standard, because we deserve to be. We hold ourselves up as the model of behavior to which all countries should ascribe.

But... let's not sully this one with American politics. The story is disgusting and vile and important, and should not be used for petty shots one way or the other.


Friday, June 17, 2005 10:24:00 PM


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