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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hmmm. Tail may be wagging the dog here...

The Wall Street Journal reports today that a new memo indicates that the original source of the information about Valerie Plame may in fact be George W. Bush himself. A confidential State Department memo, read by the President on Air Force One on June 10th, 2003 contains information about Mrs. Wilson / Ms. Plame, including explicit verbiage not to share that information.

We'll see how this plays out, but I can't help but wondering if this is why, after days of talking about working in bipartisan fashion to find a moderate Republican for the seat on the Supreme Court, Bush hurredly nominated someone bound to spark controversy.

Perhaps this is who Bush wanted to nominate all along, but the timing, and the difference between this candidate and the rhetoric from the past week are both suspicious.

We, as American citizens, just need to make sure that this administration doesn't "David Copperfield" us, making us look where they want us to look, hoping we'll forget about the other story.

Still developing, of course. I'll have more as I learn it.



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