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Saturday, July 09, 2005

I hate conspiracy theorists...

...not because they're crazy, but because they always manage to make their conspiracies sound so damn plausible.

The latest one I've heard is people who are claiming that the timing of this bombing in London isn't coincidental, with Bush's popularity sinking and the Patriot Act vote coming up this week.

There was also a report on UPI originally that Benjamin Netanyahu was warned not to leave his hotel room prior to the first bomb going off, and this, the conspiracy nuts say, is proof that al Qaeda was not behind this bombing.

And like all conspiracy theories, they're almost definitely insane and paranoid. But we have enough movies and television shows that deal with conspiracies, and the hero can never convince anyone what's really going on, that sitting here at 1am, my heart rate is racing, not with the belief that these are true, but with the paranoid fear that I may be naive to so quickly dismiss it.

Those late night "what ifs" have set in, and I can no longer be sure what's true and what isn't. I can't wait for the light of day again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theorists, eh?

I think you should write some fiction depicting some conspiracy theories of your own.

I know, I know ..... truth is funnier than fiction. .....

But maybe you can make it really bizarre or simplistic. Like theories about some plot to steal the ingredient recipe for Viagra or something. I'm sure you could think of something.

Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:49:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

Heh. I always thought it'd be fun to start a blog and try to be an extreme conservative, spouting the most outlandish stuff, just to see how many people would chime in and say "Ditto".

I honestly believe Rush Limbaugh didn't feel as strongly as he does until it became clear that his "ditto-head" audience was eating up the Right wing ravings. Not to say that he wasn't always Republican, but I remember stumbling across one of his very early shows, before I'd ever heard his name (I only remember because he has such as distictive one).

This was before he called himself the "Excellince In Broadcasting Network" and before he started sort of behaving like a pompous ass, holding court for his minions.

He was actually (at least in this one show) quite reasonable.

And so sometimes I wonder two things:

1) Could I reasonably pull that off, and
2) Just how popular could I become, if I was willing to be a focal point for the extreme wing-nuts, instead of (trying to be) a reasonable voice for the center?


Monday, July 11, 2005 10:30:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


You might pull it off. But, come on, how long could you keep a straight face, huh? Besides, the first "ditto" comment would likely set you off down your usual path.

The real fun part would be a kind of tongue-in-cheek sarcastic approach ..... wait, you already do that. My mistake. ... lol.

Interesting about Rush's early years. Do you think his name is really Rush?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:55:00 AM


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