A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Voices of Witnesses

Over the last week, we have been in contact with a number of people from Louisiana. These are the survivors, mostly witnesses from the Baton Rouge area watching what happens to the east in New Orleans.

We have not asked permission to repost these e-mails, so we will be removing any identifying information from them. However, there are some good stories here from people who are witnessing them.

We will be weeding through e-mails and posting the appropriate ones over the next day or so, and each title will have the prefix "VoW" (Voices of Witnesses) in the title. We don't plan to edit content (except for identifying information), so if you tire of reading the stories, skip over anything that starts with that prefix.

Liam & Janet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liam & Janet,

This Voices of Witnesses is an amazing thing that you're doing. I've only just started reading some of these descriptions. My mouth dropped in awe when I saw these, not so much because of the content but for their very existence on your blog. This is truly a work of significance and you two should be commended for your effort to compile and post these.

There is so much reporting going on down there. But when all is said and done it is the people who, as they say, bear witness. Don't lose them, keep compiling them. If there's a way, in the future, might you be able to publish them? Not for any self-serving reason, of course. I think I know you at least well enough for that. No, it might be an extraordinary way to have history, which is occurring, to bear witness for future ponderings on what happened. Keep up the good work.

Monday, September 05, 2005 8:16:00 PM


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