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Sunday, January 15, 2006

And for those who still think Fox News is "Fair and Balanced"...

[Second UPDATE: I got the video to load. It's the entire 2.5 hour town hall meeting. I will be watching it later tonight, but we have errands to run. If anyone gets to it before I do, I'd be happy to hear your comments on it! --Liam]

[UPDATE: Here is a link directly to the RealPlayer video of C-Span's coverage. I still can't get it to play on my computer, but maybe the direct link will help someone. --Liam]

Congressmen Jack Murtha and Jim Moran held a town hall meeting earlier this month with a lot of soldiers who have seen action in the current Iraq conflict.

My computer is being flaky, so I haven't watched the full video at C-Span yet, but by reports, the comments were overwhelmingly against the war, the current policies, and the way things are going over there.

The first guy who spoke was one of the very few who were positive on the war.

Now, these were two Democratic Congressmen. It is possible that they hand-picked their soldiers for this event like the President has done several times on his "informal chats" with the military. It is also possible that this one pro-Iraq-war soldier was picked to give the ILLUSION of balance. I don't think so, based on what I've read it doesn't sound like there was an attempt to "vet" the participants, but I recognize that it is possible.

However, Fox News reported on the meeting, playing only a clip of the first soldier. Hardly "fair and balanced".

You can argue if you like that others are slanted too, and I'll grant Fox News isn't the only one that has bias. But there are still large numbers of conservatives who tout Fox News as the one honest and balanced news source, and this clearly shows that they are not.



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