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Thursday, April 20, 2006

A FOX News Poll!?!

Even Fox News is admitting that their polls show the President at all time low approval numbers. The Fox poll indicates a 33% approval rating, down from 36% two weeks ago, 39% in mid march, 47% last year and 50% two years ago.

Given the extent to which Fox personalities have gone recently to spin away the results of other polls, it's interesting to see even Fox admitting that this is not a popular President.

Perhaps they are waking up to the idea that Bush isn't just unpopular with Democrats and not just unpopular with Independents, he's unpopular with Republicans as well. Republicans are waking up to the idea that just because someone calls themselves Republican and pays lip service to Republican ideals doesn't make them Republican.

Living up to the ideals does, and this President has utterly failed to live up to either Republican or American ideals.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is pretty popular with oil executives, but I guess there aren't enough of them to make the numbers go up. Gas prices, yes, but not presidential approval ratings.

Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:16:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of which......

I've got a question. You read a lot. (and I read next to nothing) And perhaps you've discussed this already and I've not read it...... but....

Do our gas and oil companies supply to other countries as well? I'm asking because I've been told the current prices of gas in Canada and Australia (I've got friends there). Like here and everywhere their prices are going up like crazy, but still theirs is higher than ours. The Middle East problems get blamed for everything, it seems. But are our companies profiting as well from other countries? Are these big record profits our oil companies are getting being made just from us, or are they also milking places like Canada? This is probably a dumb question, but like I said, I don't read much.

Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:35:00 PM

Blogger Ross said...

I don't have the answer, but my gut feeling is that there is no such thing as "our" gas and oil companies. There are gas and oil companies that operate all over the world, extracting petroleum from the earth, shipping it around the world and refining it on site. These companies may have historical connections to one or another country such as the USA (Exxon-Mobil) or Great Britain (BP), but with few exceptions (Citgo, Venezuela) they're really multinationals and their true loyalty is to money.

A really cynical or paranoid person, like me, might then say that there is no such thing as an American gas-and-oil-company; there are instead gas-and-oil-company-owned countries.

Thursday, April 27, 2006 10:40:00 AM


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