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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And my fun, salacious thought for the day

Let me start up front by saying that I am reporting a rumor. I have no knowledge of the veracity of this rumor, I'm just enjoying speculating about the result, if it turns out to be true. By all means, take this rumor with a lot of grains of salt.

The rumor is that President Bush and Condoleeza Rice have been having an affair. As is always the case with these things, the rumor is attributed to unnamed people who should be in a position to know, supposedly corroborated by other unnamed people who should be in a position to know.

Nevertheless, the part of this story I rather enjoy is to consider the results if such rumors turn out to have a factual basis.

There are a LOT of people on record as having made a lot of very negative statements about President Clinton for having an extramarital affair with a subordinate while in office. Part of me hopes that this rumor will gain some legs (even if it eventually turns out not to be true) just to watch the extreme logical gymnastics of Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and a host of others as they try to come up with a way to excuse the same behavior in their guy that they previously considered high crimes worthy of impeachment when it was the other guy in office.

As with President Clinton, I really don't care who President Bush is having sex with, so long as it is consentual. I kind of agree with the idea that being President is stressful, and whatever it takes to take the edge off for the person holding the nuclear launch codes is probably, in the grand scheme of things, not a bad thing. (I'm not saying cheating on your spouse is ever a good thing, it's just that I think it's really only the business of George, Laura and Condi if it's true, just like it was really only the business of Bill, Hillary and Monica.)

Nevertheless, the President first came into power on a promise to restore honor and dignity to the White House (something he's pretty much failed to do, in my opinion, but which he could up until this point still claim a modicum of success at if "honor and dignity" is narrowed down specifically to the Clinton-Lewinsky affair). I know there'd be mental gymnastics, but I still think it'd be fun to watch Ann Coulter twisting herself into logical pretzels in her attempt to find ways to find honor and merit in President Bush's affair while still considering President Clinton's to be evidence of the utter moral bankruptcy of the Democratic party and all of its members.

Ah well, enough rumor mongering. Most likely, it's all false anyway. But it's fun to think about.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

fun, salacious thought?
Evil perhaps?

Monday, June 19, 2006 7:14:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

Not so much evil, I don't think, because again, the point of the post wasn't whether the rumor was true or not, it was the fun of watching a hot air filled gas bag of a stuffed shirt get pricked with a pin and try not to deflate.

It would be just as much fun if it happened to any other pompous blow-hard, but this particular rumor would make for an excellent pin for the O'Reillys, Hannitys and Limbaughs of the world.

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, June 19, 2006 9:38:00 PM


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