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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flag Desecration

Yesterday, the United States Senate came within one vote of authorizing a far greater diminishment and desecration of our country's flag than any burning-in-protest could ever be: They missed by one passing the flag burning amendment and sending it on to the states for ratification.

I've made this argument before, but let me lay it out again, since it's been some time. Our country is great because of its principles, and the greatest of these is arguably freedom, as codified in the Bill of Rights. And among the Bill (in fact, the very first one) is freedom of speech. There is a quote by Voltaire that should be well and truly a part of our societal ethic: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Our flag is the symbol of this country and of whatever greatness is thus implied. I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise that few see the hypocrisy in making an exception to our core principles of our nation for the symbol of those freedoms at a time when our nation sees nothing wrong with our leader, first among equals, behaving as though the laws do not apply to him.

But let me be clear: To pass any regulation prohibiting burning of the flag is the very height of hypocrisy and diminishes the flag distinctly, and far worse than it is ever diminished by some disgruntled dissident setting one aflame. Indeed, how great the pride I have in this country when I see that, and know that we are a nation so great, so strong in its principles, that we will watch this distasteful spectacle and allow it to continue.

THAT is what makes our nation (and its symbol the flag) great. Take that away, and we might as well all start using the thing as kindling, because it will no longer stand for much of anything.



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