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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Same Old Song, New Words.

Iraq, Iran, you only have to change one letter and about 5 years, and the rhetoric is nearly identical.

And now, there's this article from The Times of London, purporting that the Pentagon is drawing up plans for "massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran", on the theory that Iranian response will be the same to so-called "pinprick strikes" as to an all out assault, and so (the reasoning goes) we should take out the entire Iranian military in one strike.

Show of hands from all of those who believe the same folks who told us the Iraq conflict would be over in 3-6 months and cost us a total of 3-4 billion dollars are actually capable of estimating correctly this time.

Or do we all think it much more likely that this massive strike would end up with us fighting an even larger "Global War on Terror" as even more Muslims decide that we're not at war with terrorism, but with Islam?

We've lost far more of our best and brightest in our fools errand in Iraq than we lost on the day of the supposed precipitating event, the 9/11 attacks. We've stretched our military to the breaking point, and our leaders are even CONSIDERING starting yet another war?

We need new leaders. Now. New President, new VP, and a new Congress if this one doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and say "No more!".



Blogger Liam said...

And we might as well add this from the Huffington Post, someone else's long take on the likelihood that this strike is not merely a contingency plan but actively moving forward.

Take it as you will. I think I'll go cower in my closet and wish for a President I could trust, a return to a Country I wasn't embarassed to be associated with.


Sunday, September 02, 2007 10:44:00 PM


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