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Friday, July 25, 2008


There's just so much this week that makes John McCain ill suited to be President, even if you agree with his philosophies...

First, there are the little things, the miscues and mis-speakings. Sure, they all have them, but he gets his facts wrong way too often.
  1. Iraq does not have a border with Pakistan (link to video here).
  2. The Anbar Awakening had nothing to do with the surge, it predated the surge
  3. The surge did not help us keep a certain sheik safe, he was assassinated.
  4. Iraq is NOT the first war since 9/11. (I'm willing to assume he was lumping Afghanistan and Iraq together into the "war on terror", but he did say "the Iraq war" was the first war since 9/11, not "the war on terror")

Then there's the regular attacks on Obama which are starting to sound tired. Attack Obama for not going to visit Iraq, and when he does, attack him for going. Call him a flip-flopper, completely ignoring that you've done so many 180s on so many issues that you can't walk a straight line.

And today, there's this appearance on CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, during which McCain repeated his assertion that Barack Obama would rather win a political campaign than win in Iraq.

During that interview, he also makes the startling assertion that he knows how to bring bin Laden to justice. Quote McCain "Look, I know the area, I've been there, I know wars, I know how to win wars, and I know how to improve our capabilities so that we will capture Osama bin Laden -- or put it this way, bring him to justice... We will do it, I know how to do it."

This brings a lot of questions to anyone who actually THINKS about it. Most importantly, if he knows how to get bin Laden, but he hasn't shared that expertise and knowledge with the Bush administration, does this mean that he'd rather win a political election than take down America's number one enemy? And if he HAS shared that information with the Bush administration and they've ignored him, why does he still speak so highly of the Bush strategy?

Another question is which wars, exactly, has McCain actually won? He's best known for having been shot down in a war, not necessarily his fault but certainly not a badge of accomplishment. And that was a war we lost. He was too young for any of the wars before that. And he finished fifth from the bottom of his class of almost 900 in the academy, which hardly indicates some strategic uber-genius.

McCain has lost sight of the fact that being a war hero for having withstood torture and having fought for our country does not imply any great military leadership skill any more than being the guy on the back of a crashed bus who is badly injured but still helps everyone else safely off the bus makes one a skilled bus driver.

John McCain is too old to be President, that's what it comes down to. Not physically but mentally. It has nothing to do with his chronological age, but to do with the extent to which he has aged in those years, and the fact is that he's making so many mistakes the John McCain of years past would never have made.

He's losing his faculties, and he hasn't yet spent even one day in the pressure cooker that is the oval office.

Oh, and by the way, although the latest meme from his campaign is that the media loves Obama and is out to get him, check out this video of an interview on CBS from a few days ago. CBS edited the interview, removed a semi-incoherent and clearly incorrect response regarding the timing of the Anbar awakening vs the surge and in its place edited in an answer to a later question, making McCain sound far better than he actually did. Your liberal media at work.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching the CBS News when Couric's interview was aired. I remember that particular question because after hearing McCain's response (not knowing then that it was the inserted one), I thought "Huh??" The response seemed odd for the question but I knew he often sidestepped answers. But I remember feeling disturbed by that one, because of the Obama-would-rather-win-an-election-than-win-Iraq response seeming out of place (not to mention downright mean).

It wasn't until later while watching Keith Olbermann's program online that I found out what had happened. And I believe it was Rachel who commented at being more disturbed by the response CBS did decide to insert, than by what was left out.

You're right, accident or not, the media sure loved McCain in that instance. Funny, I'm not a Couric lover... but when she gave that question, I thought "Yeah! Good question!" But perhaps CBS would say that if it had been deliberate and not a mistake, they would have cut the whole question in the first place. Makes one wonder.

Friday, July 25, 2008 10:16:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:34:00 AM

Blogger Liam said...

Yeah, what it really comes down to is that Obama is setting people on fire, emotionally, and McCain simply isn't.

The news media have shown themselves to be spineless in most regards, trending less towards news than towards ratings and whatever will suck up best to those in power, so that they can continue to have "access" which they think will translate to more "exclusives" and thus more ratings.

So the reason they're paying more attention to Obama than to McCain isn't because *THEY* like him more, it's because the vast majority of us will tune in to listen if Obama is speaking.

I'm sure there are lots of reasons. Those experiencing extreme Bush / neocon fatigue are intrigued by what he says, and by the wonderful change it would be to have a President who can speak well again. The right wing watch trying to find something in his speech that they can twist to imply he's a muslim, or a terrorist, or something else which they think will scare voters away. It wouldn't surprise me if the racist among us watch him in order to try to convince themselves that he's really a bad person and they're not avoiding him because they're racist, but because he's scary.

But he speaks well, and a lot of people want to listen. McCain... not so much.

The interesting thing is, the other day Obama's speech in Germany was in front of thousands... but a somewhat smaller crowd than they expected. It was still thousands, he just didn't entirely fill the arena. McCain spoke in a restaurant somewhere, a room that would hold maybe 50 people. He filled it (although I didn't hear much about overflow or anyone being turned away).

And yet the right wing headline on at least one blog was "Obama Draws Fewer Than Expected, McCain Fills Venue".

The fact is, the TV coverage is mirroring the event attendence, not the other way around. McCain is dry, he's a little creepy with that laugh and that "my friends" every other phrase, and right or wrong, he's telling people things they don't want to hear. The country is tired of this war even though Bush has done everything in his power to spend us into near unpayable debt rather than have any of us feel any pain at all (other than the troops, but then those of us who say that "don't care about the troops", while those who send them on tour after tour, some of whom are injured and under prior administrations would have received medical discharges "support the troops").

This CBS thing proves that the "liberal media" aren't so in the bag for Obama after all.


Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:37:00 AM

Blogger Liam said...

(The delete comment was the same as the one right after it, but with a couple of glaring typoes.)

Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:37:00 AM


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