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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Happened Today...

[UPDATE: I found this link of Obama's statement yesterday. Says pretty much what I'd read elsewhere. --Liam]

From what I've been able to piece together, John McCain has chosen to play politics with the financial scandal, and it's really making me angry.

The timeline, as I've pieced it together...

Sometime early this morning, Barack Obama places a call to John McCain suggesting that they put their heads together and issue a joint statement on the crisis, putting aside politics for the good of the nation.

Something like six hours later, McCain returns the call, and says "Sure, sounds good" while simultaneously issuing his own unilateral statement on the crisis.

As part of his statement, McCain decides to request that Friday's debate be postponed "so he can do his job".

So essentially, when Obama calls to suggest they put aside politics, McCain takes the opportunity to try to make himself look essential to the solution (which makes some sense, in as much as the policies he's supported and some of his top advisors were essential to CAUSING it) while at the same time getting out of the tricky spot of having to actually debate Obama on Friday.

McCain also states that he's "suspending campaign activities" until the crisis has passed, which is clearly designed to look Presidential, as this crisis, though important, is not something that two Senators will have that much to do with solving.

The post script to the whole thing, though, is that Obama has essentially come out and said "I plan to keep campaigning, because a President has to be able to focus on more than one thing at a time."

Please be aware of this. See it for what it is, McCain playing politics and taking Obama's olive branch and trying to strangle him with it.

It is not Presidential, it is politics as usual.

The McCain of 2000 would be so ashamed.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


McCain's grand gesture is pure political. He must think most Americans are stupid and can't see that.

Watching Bush's speech on television, when he answers the issue of how we got to this crisis point, it was interesting. He gave a reasonably understandable explanation of events. Not a word about deregulation (not that I was expecting it, of course).

Oversight, regulation, and some mortgage protection should be included in any bailout of that magnitude.

McCain spouts the word greed alot. It is attractive to ordinary Americans who view the rich as greedy. But it's a sham. Americans are in the business of making money, and if deregulation allows them to make more money, they do it. You put the cookie jar in front of a child, he takes as many cookies as he can, and we say he's greedy. Americans, especially investors, will always want more. Regulation is protection for everyone else, whether they are greedy or not.

Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:40:00 AM

Blogger Liam said...

Good points all.

FYI, I added a link to Obama's statement yesterday in the post.


Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:56:00 AM


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