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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why It Matters

There's been a lot of brouhaha in the news today because even Karl Rove says that John McCain has crossed the line when it comes to his untruthful campaigning, and little of that coverage on the liberal side mentions that Rove had similar things to say about Obama.

Here, however, is why that matters. Karl Rove is a hard core Republican. He was going to say Obama was lying regardless. Obama could be the Mother Theresa of politics, and Rove would have bad things to say about him, both in his roles as Fox News pundit and also in his role as "unofficial" campaign advisor to the McCain campaign.

As such, it is not news that he would say such things about Obama, it's like Paris Hilton referring to something as "hot" or Alan Greenspan speaking about the economy, it's to be expected.

However, when Rove comments that McCain has crossed the line, that means that to everyone else he has so FAR crossed the line that even Rove does not feel he can convincingly or reasonably deny it.

That is why it is news, that is why it's reasonable to point to that half of Rove's statement and ignore the other half.


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