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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fun With Czars

This video is called "Dancing With The Czars". It's from the DNC, so you should be aware that their count of Czars under the Bush Administration includes Czar positions that were held by multiple people over the course of the administration. Still, by honest accounting, Obama still has at least one or two FEWER Czar positions than Bush did.

Now, the last time I posted such a thing, I had one person reply that his problem wasn't with the number of Czars but with the specific people Obama is choosing for his Czar positions.

But I've got several responses to that. First off, that's not what I'm hearing from most people. Glenn Beck is trumpeting not the QUALITY of the Czars, but the QUANTITY, and trying to whip his followers into a froth over the false "fact" that Obama has an unprecedented number of Czars.

Second, we should be surprised that Obama's Czars are going to have liberal tendencies? News flash: he was elected as a direct response to 8 years of conservative rule that the majority of voters did not feel made this country stronger or better. That's why the political pendulum swings... we get tired of one side, then we get tired of the other.

Third, among the things that people tired of in the Bush Administration was people being put into positions of authority that came out of the industries themselves or from the lobbying group for those industries. How many foxes could be put in charge of hen houses before people were going to get tired of chickens mysteriously disappearing? If the only alternative to that is someone whose past is a little bit more socialist than I'd prefer, well, I'll still take actual oversight over what we had recently.

And finally, I'm having a really hard time figuring out the complaints anyway. I've had people send me links about some of these guys, and the complaints seem more often than not to relate to something OTHER than the job the person was chosen for. If I need open-heart surgery, I don't particularly care if the surgeon has a history of speaking out on the opposite side from me on political issues, I only care if he's a damned fine surgeon. But on top of that, there's the whole "boy who cried wolf" syndrome again.

Obama has been in office for 8 months now, and I've lost count of how many people have been tarred as "the most liberal" this or "the most socialist" that. A supreme court nominee who in private was the Right Wing's wet dream, a jurist originally nominated to the bench by a Republican, and significantly further to the right than the Justice she was replacing, and yet they still tried to tar her with the "extreme liberal" brush, so that they could not only get someone who was as far to the right as they could reasonably expect, but still score some cheap political points.

They're STILL humping William Ayers as a terrorist and Obama's best buddy, when in fact everything I've read indicates they hardly knew each other, and Ayers has done a lot of atoning since the 70s.

They're still trying to tell us that health care reform means government telling us when Grandma has to die. They're still trying to tell us that Obama was not born in this country when there's simply no credible evidence to that effect and an overwhelming set of evidence that he was born in Hawaii.

So at this point, I'm afraid another blog post frothing at the digital mouth about how this advisor or that Czar wrote a paper in college supporting one socialist policy or another just doesn't convince me of anything. I just hear the boy crying wolf again and go about my business.

And one last note, by the way: there is no such title in the government as "Czar". It's a shorthand developed by the media for what had previously been known as "policy advisors". One of the first of these "Czars" was the guy in charge of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. That was a bit of a mouthful, and a lot for reporters to type, so they coined the term "drug czar".

And so ultimately, this whole anti-czar crusade has the same intellectual honesty as the re-labeling Prisoners of War as "Enemy Combatants", and by the same token, I could (if I were inclined to be just as intellectually dishonest) point out in all truthfulness that the number of officially designated "Enemy Combatants" increased by whatever factor I chose under President Bush, and I could write it in such a way as to imply that Bush created all of these terrorists and other enemies of the state, and was thus the worst President ever. After all, since he created the new designation, there were none before him, and there existed some under his administration. Mathematically, that's an infinite increase, so I could say "more than doubled" or "more than 10 times as many" or "more than a million times as many", whatever number I thought would be large enough to scare people but small enough to sound credible, and I wouldn't be lying.

If worded carefully, such an argument could be made without ever making any statement which was false, but yet the overall impression given would be a blatant falsehood: That President Bush was somehow responsible for the creation of all of these "Enemy Combatants", rather than simply for their labeling.

The same is true here. If you look at what they ARE, instead of what they are CALLED, these "czar" policy advisors have existed since before anyone alive today was born.

Then again, I'm not sure why I'm still ranting. Those who are going to get anything out of this probably already realize what I'm saying, and those who happily swallow every implied smear against Obama's character will most assuredly either have stopped reading long since (having convinced themselves that I'm just another lying liberal) or have already started to rationalize away the things I've said in favor of some bit of spin or other they've heard that they think disproves what I've said.


Blogger Liam said...

One more thought someone else made that made a lot of sense:

While they're yelling about all these Czars, if Obama had named none of them, they'd be at him for NOT naming them.

Can you IMAGINE what the Right would be saying about him if he'd not named a Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (the "Drug Czar")? They'd be calling him soft on drugs and soft on crime.

So this is another case of "We're gonna attack you for any path you choose to take", which makes their argument specious, at best.

Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:30:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

On Facebook right now (where I also posted this) I've got one moron challenging me by asking whether the first few Presidents needed these policy advisors, as though there's no difference between an upstart nation in an age when international news took weeks or even months to show up and a super power in the nuclear age when a problem in the Middle East requires a response from the Executive Branch within hours or even minutes. What follows is my responses to him. I thought that it turned out to have enough good information that it was worth replicating here:

I was making several points. First, to rebut one of the current lines of attack by Glenn Beck, that Obama has gone "Czar crazy", and that this is some unprecedented level of executive excess, rather than something that A) has been done before by the same name at at least the same levels if not more so, and B) has been done by other names for years before that.

Second, to respond to one person who said that it wasn't the QUANTITY of the Czars that bothered him (was it you?) but the quality of the people thus appointed.

And third, to point out that Presidents have always had policy advisors. Give them a new name, they're still just policy advisors. Same job, new moniker. The executive branch would fall apart if there weren't any, and Congress would never have time to do anything except hold confirmation hearings if every policy advisor had to be confirmed.

It's just more bogus fear-mongering from Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/etc.

(The next couple of comments are in the same thread on Facebook)

Saturday, September 19, 2009 11:51:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

If you don't see the difference between the ragtag group of 13 colonies loosely coalescing into a nation and what is currently the only recognized "superpower" in the nuclear age, then we might as well stop right here. You're implying you see no difference, when you ask whether the earliest Presidents had policy advisors. I'm sure the number of policy advisors has grown with the size of the country and the complexity of the world.

Hell, when this country was first formed, we got our news over the course of weeks and months, not seconds and minutes. One man might actually be able to keep up on everything and react in a timely fashion to anything that came up.

Today, there's simply no way for any single person to be fully informed on (and a subject matter expert in) every thing the President is supposed to react to in a given day.

We're not going to get rid of the Internet and Television and their associated near-instantaneous transmission of information any time soon, so your snarky "how did we get by without them" comment is intellectually bankrupt.

How many are essential? I don't know, how many things do you want the President and his Cabinet to keep his eye on?

I think the majority of people in this country would be unhappy if we stopped fighting the "war on drugs" (even if I, personally, wish we'd go an entirely different way with it), and so while many of them can be scared with all this talk of "Czars", they'd be equally unhappy (and far more rationally so) if Obama hadn't named the lead General in that fight.

You want me to go find the latest list of Obama's Czars, their actual titles, and then go through them one at a time and tell you which I think are important and why? I can, but I'll bet we wouldn't get through more than two or three and everyone reading would be bored...

Saturday, September 19, 2009 11:51:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

Do we need an AIDS czar? Probably not, since we don't also have a Cancer czar. Then again, AIDS is a disease that we can fight with behavior changes. Cancer can strike even people with healthy lifestyles. A condom won't prevent most types of cancer, while proper use of a condom WILL prevent AIDS transmission, so maybe having someone to focus on AIDS prevention isn't such a bad idea. By the way, his actual title is "Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy."

Maybe we should get rid of the Terrorism Czar (or "Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security")? Nah, I think there are a lot of people who would already say that Obama is too soft on terror, I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if he did away with the Terrorism Czar.

I'll bet that many of the same people who are now complaining about Obama's Czars are the same ones who want us to build that border wall and crack down on illegal aliens. I'm pretty sure none of them would be happy with him if he did away with the "Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs." It's only when you shorten that to "Border Czar" that it sounds big and scary.

Here's one that we really don't need, the "Faith-Based Czar". That's one of the ones President Bush invented. Actual title: "Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships"

Wanna guess how many people would start yelling about how this just proved that only the Right held religious values, if Obama had chosen not to fill this probably-unnecessary position invented by his predecessor?

That's just a few of them. Certainly there are among the larger group some that are probably less necessary. Then again, there are aspects of the executive branch that may be less than necessary, and I'm sure you'd be happy to start listing the ones you think so, even if I think you're naive in some of what you believe(*).

A lot of people don't like the various stimulus packages that we've had, and the first ones (the ones President Bush signed that gave lots of our money to banks) didn't seem to have much in the way of restrictions on the use of the funds or oversight. So I, for one, like the new "Stimulus accountability Czar", also known as the "Inspector General, US Department of the Interior". Don't know the man personally, but I'm damn glad SOMEONE started thinking that if we're going to spend all this money to stimulate the economy, we should at least make sure it's actually being used by the recipients in ways that actually benefit the economy.

(* The person with whom I am arguing is an avid Randian espouser of the idea that "Unrestricted Free Markets Solve All Ills". I think he's insane in this regard, regulation didn't cause some companies to misbehave any more than having laws causes some people to commit murder. If you want my opinion on why truly unrestricted free-markets would be disastrous, I'll be happy to proved them at a later date. And if you back off from totally unrestricted free-markets, if you admit that even a little bit of regulation may be necessary, then like the old joke, "we've already settled that, ma'am, now we're just haggling over the price.")

Saturday, September 19, 2009 11:58:00 PM


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