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Friday, November 30, 2012

Mutually Contradictory Positions

There are several policies on the right which are mutually contradictory as relates to abortion and population.

We often hear the complaint that poor people breeding excessively is a problem.  Putting aside the canard that they are doing so in order to increase their welfare receipts (because in most cases, that's just not the case), let's look at right wing policies and how they create exactly that problem.

Policy #1:  Abstinence Only Sex Education.

Teach children to say "no".  This is not reasonable, there are basic biological urges that most people cannot fully control.  We do it when we have to, such as by not wantonly having sex in the middle of a dinner party, or with whoever is around regardless of their consent, but it is not reasonable to expect people to be entirely abstinent.  This is a large part of why so many politicians have sex scandals, being human they are simply unable to resist their urges 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without break.  It is also probably a large part of the priesthood problems in the Catholic church.  Asking these normal, healthy men to subjugate that core part of themselves for life leads to issues.

So, we raise a generation that doesn't know what contraception is or how to use it.

Policy #2:  No Subsidized Contraception

Now, again because it's "not moral", let's not aid anyone in getting their contraception.  No, that's just aiding sluts who want something for free.  Which means now you have people who have probably not got a full grasp of what contraception is or how to use it properly to protect themselves now also having to decide whether they can AFFORD it.  Some won't be able to.  This will not prevent them from having sex (see #1), just prevent them from avoiding pregnancy.

Policy #3:  Anti Abortion

So now, we have people getting pregnant because they never learned how to have a normal sexual life safely, or could not afford their contraception, but now that's a LIFE, from the moment of conception (never mind that the Bible defines human life as beginning with the first breath, which happens after birth), and we dare not take it.  So this couple who conceived a child through carelessness or (more likely) through a lack of knowledge that you've engendered and a lack of access to affordable contraception that you've prevented, and you will not allow them to terminate the pregnancy.

Policy #4:  Complain

And finally, complain that these poor people, the ones most hit by policies #1 and #2 and exacerbated by #3, are breeding so much, and require government assistance to feed these children.

Really, this series of policies is kind of like having a policy of gathering seeds of invasive plant species, having another policy of strewing them around your property, having a third property of watering and fertilizing them, and then complaining because invasive plant species are taking over your yard.


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