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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Why I "Hate" Fox News

Someone asked my why I hate Fox News so much.

This was my answer:

I "hate" Fox so much because they are a propaganda arm that leads great chunks of our society to be ignorant of basic facts and to believe fervently blatant falsehoods. Because they claim to be news, and their watchers believe that, even as multiple studies (the most recent done this year at Fairleigh Dickinson College) show that Fox News viewers can answer fewer domestic and foreign facts than even non TV watchers, far less than Daily Show viewers, and embarrassingly less than the top of the scale, NPR/PBS listeners/viewers.

I think they are victimizing whole swaths of our society, telling them things that aren't true, convincing them to vote in contrast to their own self interest, and helping to create such a wide-spread culture of misinformation that it even infects non-viewers, like contact high or second hand smoke, pernicious in the damage it does even to non-or-casual users. And because that misinformation is SO widespread, followers hear the same stuff repeated back from others and believe they have independent corroboration, when in fact they're just hearing the bounce back from another wall of the propaganda echo chamber.

I "hate" them because they serve the rich and selfish over everyone else, and because the victims of their actions (such as yourself) are so misinformed, and SO indoctrinated, they won't even CONSIDER any evidence that flies in the face of doctrine. It's almost like a cult brain-washing.

I "hate" them for what they have done to you, XXXXX, an otherwise great guy of whom I am very fond.


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