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Friday, October 16, 2009

And another thing...

Why won't anyone answer the damn question.

The question I keep hearing people ask is "If there is a public option, who would be eligible to choose it?"

And the answer is always "Look, if you like your current insurance, you can keep it."

Fine, that's just ducky, but what if someone *DOESN'T* like their current insurance? Most of the public option plans I've heard debated are limited to small businesses and the otherwise uninsured, and are not available to people who have insurance through their (larger) employer.

So what if I have an insurance company I really don't like, through my large company. Would I have the option to switch? If not, then it's really not that much competition, and that's the name of the game here.

I'm so sick of people "answering" questions with a statement that doesn't even begin to touch on the topic about which they were asked.


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