A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Why I Vote How I Vote

Why I vote the way I vote:

Because my gay friends are people, deserve rights, and did not CHOOSE to be gay.

Because my female friends own their bodies and really shouldn't be forced to let someone ELSE choose for them whether to carry a symbiote or terminate a parasite, or whether a rape was "legitimate" or not.

Because we have a fiscal problem in this country, and the solution isn't going to be solved by some magical "trickle down", letting people who already have more than they can possibly need take even more, when almost none of that will go into creating jobs or stimulating the economy as long as there continues to be no market for goods and services, because the people who would BUY those services don't have enough to buy them.

Because I don't believe in rewarding people who work against the interests of their employers for their own self interest and then point to the failure of the OTHER SIDE to get things done as a reason to now elect one of theirs.

Because I have a human heart and not a dollar sign beating in my chest.

(And by the way, even if they DID choose to be gay, they'd STILL deserve rights and would still be people.)


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