A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Interesting question...

What's wrong with someone who reads an ENTIRE blog, and then talks about how they don't want to hear what you (I) have to say?

Why would you read it all, and then complain that I should shut up?

There are authors I don't want to read, but guess what: I don't buy their books. I don't try to claim that they shouldn't be allowed to publish, I'm perfectly content to let them continue publishing for those who might WANT to read them. I'm just smart enough not to read things I know I don't want to read.

There's a certain segment of the population that seems to feel:

1) Superior to everyone else, and
2) a great need to convince themselves of that fact.

If you don't like what I have to say, fine, don't read it. And if you don't think I'm funny and think I'm deluding myself, fine. Go away. Find someone whose writing you like better. Don't waste your time.

Meanwhile, I enjoy writing, and I know there are people out here who enjoy reading what I write. And even if there aren't, if it's something I enjoy doing, then I have every right to do it. And if I think people might want to read it and they don't, it hurts no one that they're up on the Internet in blog form. I didn't force you to read it, your own obsession did that. And you know what? If you keep reading my stuff, then your actions speak louder than your words. Clearly you DO care what I have to say. If you really didn't, you wouldn't waste your time.



Blogger Ralph said...

Unfortunately, you probably won't get an answer from the reader in question. I might suggest another motive for a reader perhaps not so confident that they are superior and that is to put down anyone who puts themself out in the public marketplace and therefor make themself feel superior. (That wasn't elgently phrased but perhaps you will understand the point.) It's easy to take a potshot at a blogger, particularly one who shares rather personal details and openly states an intention to write essays for other's amusement.
You are therefore a sitting duck for such losers. More likely they are jealous of your ambition and courage in doing what they cannot.

More power to you.

Monday, May 09, 2005 12:25:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

Thanks, Ralph. The person in question also has a motive to dislike me (being a good friend of someone who does not like me at all, for reasons I won't go in to).

I was just annoyed at comments I received elsewhere, and wanted to vent. As long as I have folks like you (and quite a few others) who read regularly and comment when the mood strikes, I know I've got people who like reading my stuff. That's enough justification for continuing to write.

Thanks for the support!


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 12:21:00 PM

Blogger Ralph said...

That's the spirit.

Monday, May 16, 2005 4:43:00 PM


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