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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fun fun fun...

It's probably a joke, almost definitely politically motivated, but still ironic and especially funny if it comes to pass. According to a Press Release by the developer in question, a developer in Weare, NH where Justice Souter owns what has been described by a local person as "a run down farm" has applied to the Weare Board of Selectmen to build a hotel on the property.

Of course, the clues that it's a joke, or at lest politically motivated, come in the fact that they want to build "The Lost Liberty Hotel" featuring the "Just Desserts Cafe". Plans include placing a copy of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" in each room where most hotels would have a Gideon bible.

I think the person doing it is serious, although I doubt he expects to win. I supposed it depends on whether the town of Weare:

A) Is predominently in opposition to the "eminent domain" ruling,
B) Believes that the developer would really build a hotel that could generate higher taxes,
C) Has an excellent sense of irony

I'm not holding my breath, but it is kind of nice to see one of the five "Corporation's rights outweigh citizen's rights" justices at risk of a hoisting on his own petard.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am enjoying all that this intimates!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:16:00 PM

Blogger Ross said...

If the lawsuit doesn't go through, I think he should go ahead and build the Lost Liberty Hotel on some other ground. I'd stay there.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:02:00 AM

Blogger Liam said...

Yeah, although I'm thinking about it and wondering if Weare, NH is really the tourist Mecca necessary to support such a thing.

Sure, in the first year or so, lots of people might make the trip, just to feel like they were protesting the decision by the court and the erosion of personal property rights, but after that... I'm just not sure how well supported it would be.

Also, as a resident of this state, I'm not sure if I'd prefer that they DO it (because it'd be fitting karmic justice) or opt not to by saying that NH believes in property rights, and we don't play those games, even if the feds say we can.


Friday, July 01, 2005 8:25:00 AM


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