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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Oil Company Insanity

Last year's profits for the Oil industry were record setting. According to an article I read recently, financial statements issued in July show that profits are up significantly this year over last. Exxon Mobil is up 35%, Shell 34% and Conoco Phillips up a whopping 51% over last year.

Tell me again why we needed an energy bill to give these guys incentives? Tell me again why we're paying $2.50/gal for regular at the pump these days?

More and more of our money is being taken away to feed ill-advised wars and corporate coffers, and we continue to take it.

For the record, I'm not against higher gas prices, I think that higher prices might help curb the American appetite for excess consumption. If those higher prices were created via taxes (not that I'm in favor of higher taxes) in order to drive down usage of a dwindling resource, or to fund research into replacement resources for when the oil is finally all gone, I'd be more inclined to agree. But to send the Oil Industry's profits soaring over last year's huge record levels and then try to blame it on the turmoil in the middle east is insane.

This is what the energy and corporate policy of this administration is getting us. Higher prices for the things we need to fuel ever greater riches for a few corporations, who are then given further "incentives" by the energy bill.

It is astounding to me the number of people who are being directly harmed by this administration's actions and lies who continue to support it in knee jerk fashion.



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