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Sunday, September 04, 2005

VoW: Thursday Two P.M.

Hi to all [Identifying Information} folk that are back online!

Hoping this finds everyone safe, healthy and relatively calm. I'm
sending links to 3 pieces found at "The Advocate" website, addressing
the rumors of carjackings, looting and rioting in the BR area:

Note that these things haven't happened here. However, there is a
strong police presence in downtown BR, and the Governmental Bldg is now
closed to workers due to some safety concerns. We should ALWAYS use
caution and good judgement. But right now, things in our area are
relatively calm.

I will tell you that up here in Zachary, it's hard to find gasoline. We
were at the local grocery store earlier, where they are out of a number
of food items and cannot accept credit or debit cards because the
computers weren't working. Lots of rumors flying in there.

So, I'd recommend keeping a full tank of gas and cash on hand, as you
are able. This is a major disaster that will have far-reaching,
long-term consequences. But, there is no need to panic. Hang in there.

We'll try to make it to the park tomorrow, just to give my kids a
break. [Name] & [name] are also interested in volunteering to help w/the
animals evacuated from NO. CAAWS & Animal Control have set up shop in
the LSU Ag Center and are asking for donations of all manner of pet
supplies, as well as volunteers. I think this kind of effort would be a
good fit, both physically and emotionally, for my kids. I'll pass along
the details on that opportunity as I get it.

Strange days...


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