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Monday, October 31, 2005

Valerie Plame leak consequences...

For anyone who's falling too heavily for the spin that Valerie Plame was transitioning off of covert status, and thus, there was no damage done by releasing her name...

I've been reading several articles recently that seem to provide pretty good information that at least one covert agent in the field was executed as a direct result of the leak.

Now, this sort of information is very difficult to corroborate, because the CIA doesn't confirm the status of covert agents even after they're killed, when doing so might jeopardize national security or the lives of other covert agents.

So we may never know for sure. But it does look like at least one agent lost his or her life due to the loose lips of this Administration.

And again, "Brewster Jennings & Associates", the front company through which Ms. Plame worked, was still in use as of the date of the leak. We'll probably never know what sorts of ongoing investigations were compromised by that leaked information.

But we need to remember what's really at stake here.



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