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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Rumor Mill

It's late, I'm tired and grumpy, but have to be up working on something for my office, and so while I wait for a program to run, I thought I'd pass along a totally unsubstantiated rumor I heard.

I pass this along not as fact, but because I'm curious if anyone can tell me if such a gambit would work.

I want to stress, I have no reason to believe the Administration *IS* planning this, just wondering...

That said... I heard someone today wondering if the reason Bush is suddenly preparing for an impeachment hearing is that he wants to have one and get it over with while Republicans still control Congress. The idea being that this neoconservative controlled Congress would never find him guilty, and then if the Democrats take power in the '06 elections, Bush would float the legal argument that being impeached a second time would count as double jeopardy and would therefore not be valid... counting either on the new, highly conservative court to find in his favor, or at least for the case to take so long wending through the courts that by the time he could possibly actually be impeached by a less than friendly Congress, he'd be just about out of office anyway.

The thing is, whether I have any reason to believe it's true or not, I absolutely believe this Administration would try it, if they felt there was a reasonable chance of the gambit working.



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