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Saturday, March 11, 2006

One Liners

I have noticed a trend, amongst both parties, to label a person with a oneliner that they uttered (maybe, maybe not)with no context...

I got this in my email yesterday from the Republican Party.
It's time to find out who the leader of the Democrat Party really is.

Is it Howard Dean, who compares the United States to Iran? Or John Kerry, who worries about American soldiers terrorizing women and children in the dead of night? Or Hillary Clinton, who has likened the Republican management of the House of Representatives to that of a plantation?

And we all know the one about Gore (who claimed to have invented the internet). None of these statements fairly represents the people that they are attached to. I'm not claiming that it is one sided (But the Neo-Conservatives are much better at getting the word out, therefore sealing a reputation). Democrats might want to do the same thing, but there simply is no effective machine in place to get the word out.

It wouldn't annoy me so much if it weren't so darn effective. This is another reason that I felt the need to distance myself for the time being with the Republican Party. We are talking commandment time. It isn't quite Bearing False Witness, but it is close. Spreading a title, especially if it isn't fitting and representative, is wrong.

Did Kennedy really kill his girlfriend on purpose?
Who is so stupid that he can't spell Potato?
Why would anyone claim to have invented the internet, does he have delusions ofgrandeurr?
Why is Hillary so angry?
Did Kerry risk his life for his country, or was he a coward?
Who had sex with which intern?

Honestly, I've bought into the titles myself. I've believed that Gore was delusional, Kennedy was a murderer, Hillary was a lesbian, Kerry was (maybe) a fraud. Now, I have learned to take a step back, not to buy into this wrong. I challenge everyone else to do the same, don't buy into these titles. They aren't honest.


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