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Monday, May 01, 2006


According to this article from ABC News, we had lots of chances to take out terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and chose not to do so.

It's odd how often Republican false-or-misleading talking points about Democrats end up bearing striking similarity to their own actions. In this case, it's the well worn chestnut that President Clinton was offered Osama bin Laden and he turned it down (never mind that the story has not been verified by any reputable source, or that the aspects of it which ARE verified fact are hardly as clear cut as the meme would have us believe). That story doesn't seem to be terribly true, and yet here we have President Bush with almost a whole year's worth of having Zarqawi in our sights, and expressly chosing not to pull the trigger.

Just keep this in mind, the next time someone trots out that "we could have avoided all of 9/11 if Clinton had simply taken bin Laden when the offer was made". Ask for some proof. And then remember this when al-Zarqawi continues to be at the heart of American deaths.



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