A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Monday, September 03, 2007


I know this blog has traditionally been for matters political, but it's called "Thoughts on Life" because it's really just a place for me to throw my thoughts and questions out into the winds of the internet, and this is one such:

In the Harry Potter books, why was Harry no able to see Thestrals (the invisible skeletal horses that pull the Hogwarts carriages) until Cedric Diggory died? It is explained within the book that Thestrals were only visible to those who had seen death, but didn't Harry's journey begin with his witnessing (at merely a year old) the death of his mother at the hands of Lord Voldemort?

Shouldn't he have been able to see the Thestrals from day one?

Just my nagging thought of the day, apropos of nothing.



Blogger Ross said...

Here's an answer to that question. J.K.'s own answer is:

"I’ve been asked this a lot. Harry didn’t see his parents die. He was in his cot at the time (he was just over a year old) and, as I say in ‘Philosopher’s Stone’, all he saw was a flash of green light."

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:21:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

I had a feeling it'd be something like that, but it doesn't feel right to me.

Of course, it's her world, she can define it as she likes. But it's somewhat unsatisfying to me.

(Where did you find it? I did a modicum of searching and didn't find a definitive JKR answer!)


Tuesday, September 04, 2007 6:20:00 PM

Blogger Ross said...

I got the first link by searching on your exact question, "why was Harry not able to see Thestrals". The first link then linked me to the second link.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007 10:01:00 AM


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