Ron Paul Report
[In fairness to my wife, whose name is still on this blog even though it's become almost exclusively mine, she is not as sold on Ron Paul as I am. Not terribly important in the grand scheme of things, I suppose, but I heard her talking to someone about Dr. Paul and heard significant skepticism, so I felt it best to add this comment. -- Liam
Today, Janet and I took the kids and went to meet Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul, and I have to say I was happily impressed, although I fear he doesn't have much chance to win. He has a rabid, active support base, but it's small. If dedication to candidate carried the day, he might well win in a landslide, but it's total number of votes, and I'm not sure his message is reaching the masses.
Here's the scoop: He seemed generally impassioned about his ideals, which is a refreshing change from a number of other candidates I've seen (such as Rudy "vote for me, or I'll say 9/11 again!" Giuliani, Barack "Vote for me, because I'm new and refreshing" Obama and most of the rest). I like a lot of his message about returning to Constitutional freedoms and behaviors, getting back to the balance of power the Constitution specifies, returning to the states the power that belongs there and returning to the people the liberties we're supposed to have.
Now the bad... he includes in his standard information some things I strongly believe in, such as the above list, and some things which I think are ludicrous, like the regularly asserted and disproved idea that someone wants to build a "NAFTA super-highway" connecting Mexico, the US and Canada with no borders or checkpoints, or the idea that the U.N. is planning to start levying taxes on US citizens. Such items are merely scare tactics, and show that he's either not above trying to whip a crowd into a frenzy through fear mongering OR that he's not smart enough to recognize the true threats from those made up by OTHERS as fear mongering.
Still, I think this country needs about four years of someone like Ron Paul to rebalance the country and return some of the civil liberties and the imperial power which have been usurped by Presidents in my life time (and especially in the last six and a half years). My gut sense is that in four years it'll be time to switch horses, some of Paul's convictions go too far (such as completely withdrawing from the world in the form of severing our ties to the UN, the ICC, NAFTA and NATO), but I definitely think four years of returning checks and balances, civil liberties and balanced budgets are worth some of the excesses, and I think it unlikely that he'd be able to get to some of the more extreme items on his agenda until after he'd taken care of the more important and main-stream ones.
All in all, if Ron Paul makes it past the primary, as of this point in the election cycle he's got my vote.