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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Frontrunner

I think I have a new front runner in the race for my primary vote, on the Democratic side.

(Of course, I've still not decided whether I'm voting in the Democratic or the Republican side of the ticket, as I've mentioned, in NH I have that choice since I'm a registered Independent).

Up until this point, I've been going back and forth between Barack Obama and John Edwards. Edwards has been my favorite in general, but I'd prefer Obama over Hillary Clinton, so if it looks like Edwards has no shot, I was going to support Obama.

But now, I may just have to vault Chris Dodd to the top of my list.

Why? Because ultimately, it's about leadership and the ability to do what you believe in even if it costs you personally. Senator Dodd did that, when none of his opponents for the Democratic nomination did.

I've been wondering for days why it looked like the Democratically controlled Congress was going to roll over and grant immunity from prosecution to the telecom companies, without even having been briefed on what it was they supposedly had done and without any real limits or strictures on what that immunity applied to. It seems to me to be wrong. We have laws in this country, we're supposed to have personal responsibility.

But anyway, yesterday Senator Dodd began a filibuster of that immunity bill. Those among his Democratic Presidential Primary rivals who are also Senators (Sens Biden, Obama and Clinton) all expressed support for his filibuster and opposition to the immunity... but not one of the bothered to come back to Washington even to vote against it, to say nothing of supporting Senator Dodd.

Dodd, who is trailing quite badly in the polls and clearly needs every last remaining bit of campaigning time to try to make up some numbers gave up some precious time to head back to Washington to oppose a bill he felt was wrong.

That's leadership. And it ought to be rewarded.

By the way, for reference, John Edwards is not currently a Senator, so it is neither fair to blame him for not taking time off in support of this cause nor to assume that he would have had he still BEEN a Senator. But my logic runs as follows:

  1. I preferred Edwards over Obama.
  2. But I was willing to support Obama over Edwards in order to defeat Clinton.
  3. That must mean that my preference for Edwards over Obama must be a fairly small thing.
  4. After yesterday, I am much more in favor of Dodd than Obama
  5. Therefore, if my distinction between Dodd and Obama seems stronger than my distinction between Edwards and Obama, then it stands to reason Dodd must be ahead of Edwards, even though Edwards didn't do anything (was not in a position to do anything) in the current case.

If anyone has any thoughts, I'd be glad to hear them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

In symbols:

E > O
D > 0
D-O > E-O
hence D>E


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:09:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...



The news today is that the "netroots" (whoever they are) are pushing for Reid to resign as Senate Majority Leader and for Dodd to take over.

The most fanciful post I've seen out there called for an Edwards/Obama ticket, with Biden (who I've heard unconfirmed rumors offered to come back to Washington, and Dodd told him to stay campaigning) as Secretary of State, Dodd as Senate Majority Leader and Dennis Kucinich as speaker of the house.

Ah, the calculus of politics.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 2:34:00 PM


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