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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another News Review

OK, so I got back from vacation and then had to spend the week catching back up at work. Always the way, which is why I haven't been here much since returning home.

But as always, there are a few issues worth commenting on.

First, I'm still trying to figure out why ANYONE likes John McCain or believes his spin that it is Obama who is the elitist, when he (McCain) wears $520 shoes (remember John Edwards' $400 haircut?), doesn't know how many houses he owns (according to one report, it's 10, worth about $14 million in total), and thinks that you aren't "rich" until you make at least $5 million per year.

I'm also more than a little frustrated that McCain keeps using phrases like "I'll chase bin Laden to the gates of hell" and gaining traction with the "Oooh, tough, Republican, shiny!" crowd, while not even being willing to follow him into Pakistan. Last I checked, Pakistan was a lot closer to us than the netherworld. But hey, in the long list of McCain flip flops, this one barely registers, I guess.

Oh, and there's the fact that the Russia/Georgia conflict is "the first probably serious crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War". (See the video at the link). So 9/11, the London Bombings, the Iraq War, none of these were serious international crises?

Getting away from McCain, there's this article from the New York Times, detailing the White House's new guidelines for the FBI. Read the article. It's chilling that this could happen in America. Every time I read another article that sounds like it might be describing events in the old Soviet Union and realize they're happening here at home, I just cry a little bit inside. How much more can we stand for? How much longer will it be before our own leaders accomplish what the 9/11 terrorists could not, destroying this country (or at least, all of its important freedoms and everything that makes it special and wonderful) from the inside out?



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