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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Good For The Gander, Good For The Goose

Interesting bit of news today, which matters not a bit to me personally, but which rather makes me happy politically, if true.

The source is the National Enquirer, which in and of itself makes the content suspect, except that they've been right and way ahead of everyone else on several high profile stories recently, the most famous of which is the John Edwards affair.

In today's edition, they claim to have evidence that Sarah Palin has an an extramarital affair with her husband's business partner, and that they will have a larger report on the story next week.

Now, as with the Edwards affair, I don't care personally. I know too many good people who have succumbed to such temptations, either at bad points in their marriages or depressed points in their lives, or simply when faced with an extreme temptation at a weak moment. It isn't one of the better parts of human nature, but when studies show something on the order of 40% of people will engage in some form of cheating on a partner at some point in their lives, it's hardly rare.

On the other hand, John Edwards is out of the race, and yet conservative pundits made a whole lot of hay out of that, until the Russia/Georgia thing kind of knocked it off of the headlines. The part of me that gnashes my teeth every time some neoconservative sticks to a false or misleading set of talking points instead of being truthful or actually answering a question will greatly enjoy watching the extreme gyrations of political logic which these same pundits will go through in order to excuse behavior that, had it happened to a Democrat, they'd be touting as proof of the decline of society.

After all, if it had come out that one of Barack Obama's daughters was 17 and pregnant, do you think the Republican party line would be "it's a family matter and a blessing for their family"? No, it'd be "more proof that Democrats don't have any family values".

So we'll see what happens here. Perhaps the allegations aren't true. But if they are, I'm very much going to enjoy watching the outcome, because there can be only two, either admit they made a mistake and jettison her from the ticket, or they end up making statements that contradict every "family values" message they've run on for the last several decades.




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