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Monday, September 01, 2008

Palin Questionaire Again...

In the previous post about the questionaire Governor Sarah Palin filled out in 2006, I had toyed with commenting on her support for Abstinence Only sex education. I decided not to, because although it was already known in 2006 that those programs were proving to be counter-productive, it's rarely fair to comment on someone's opinions in the past based on current knowledge.

However, apparently the campaign as announced something today which makes it well worth commenting on: Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is apparently pregnant.

A fine result of abstinence only sex education, and Sarah Palin's full throated support of the idea that parents, not schools, should be teaching their children. Clearly, she and her husband did a bang up job.


* * *

I'm not sure whether to include this part or not, since the beginning of this is verified, the remainder is speculative, however there are a lot of rumors (and a lot of strange behavior leading to those rumors) that this is NOT her daughter's first child, but that in fact her fifth-and-youngest child is actually her first-and-oldest grandchild.

She apparently announced that she was 7 months pregnant, to the surprise of a lot of people (in a fifth pregnancy, 7 months shouldn't be a surprise to anyone). She flew home from TX after her water supposedly broke during a speech she was giving (with the approval of her doctor, they claim), which seems unlikely. She returned to work three days after giving birth. Her daughter was apparently pulled out of school for months before hand, without explanation. And both Mother and Daughter left the state for the birth. None of which proves anything, but all of which is pretty suspicious.

Now, the campaign would have you believe that, since the daughter is 5 months pregnant and the baby was born four months ago (April 22), that this should put all of those stories to rest. However, obviously, the election will be quite over by the time the daughter gives birth, and so if that happens to be after a miraculous 11 month gestation, well, it'll be too late for it to change the outcome of the election.

UPDATE: I should say, since several people have mentioned it to me, it is true that all of this is rumor. However, let's focus on this: It is confirmed fact that her story is that after having her water break ("leaking amniotic fluid" in her terms), she chose to board a plane in TX to fly back to Anchorage, AK and then drive the long drive out to Wasila rather than get herself immediately to a hospital. In the best of outcomes, where the baby actually was hers, that shows a disturbing lack of judgement and a willful disregard for the health of herself and her nascent baby, not the kind of judgement that really should be trusted with the nuclear football. And lest we forget, with McCain being 72 years old, that's a very real consideration in his VEEP choice. --Liam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it's like a page right out of the script for the show Desparate Housewives! lol

After reading your piece, I Googled to read the rumors you described. There was a video of Palin supposedly in her 7th month of pregnancy, walking with the webpod host to her Governor's office in Juno. She wore loose clothes. The host had brought her a coffee. Ahem, no word if it was de-caff.

... Makes me wonder if this child Trig is really a down syndrome baby.

Interesting gossip. Now, what people do in their private lives is their business. But it's significant here because of the VP candidacy. It's more than just any reflection on her public beliefs and voting record. If the rumors are true, then who was she really protecting and from what?

Well, at least this campaign isn't boring!

Monday, September 01, 2008 4:12:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

I've been thinking about it some more, and I think the BEST possible outcome for her is for it to turn out to be her daughter's child.

As much as that would give us the "what else is she not telling us" question, the problem is that if it IS her child, she displayed incredibly poor judgement in getting on a plane in TX to fly to Anchorage and then drive an hour to her home hospital after having her water break.

For me, if it turns out to be her daughter's baby, it'll be an interesting story and I'll have a lot of reaction to the "So, you spend all that time telling us how parents are better equipped than schools are to educate our children, and THIS is how yours turn out" aspect, but ultimately it is, as Janet pointed out to me, her life, and probably no more our business than an extra-marital affair. There's some hypocrisy, in my opinion, but only a little bit.

On the other hand, if the story is actually the way she describes it, she absolutely lacks the judgement to be President or Commander-in-Chief.


Monday, September 01, 2008 6:39:00 PM


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