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Monday, September 29, 2008

More on the Debate

I had two more thoughts on the debate.

First, remembering all the kerfuffle about lapel flag pins during the primary, I would point out that Senator McCain was not wearing one. Senator Obama was. It's stupid, pointless symbolism, but it was damned important and showed a lack of patriotism when Obama didn't wear one. I wonder what it means when McCain doesn't?

Also, I mentioned the recycled stump speech lines that McCain used, but I was re-watching the debate and I noticed that one of them he didn't even use CORRECTLY.

He has been saying for weeks now that the solution to pork barrel spending is his pen, and that in office he will veto every spending bill that comes with earmarked spending.

The quote he's been using has been this:

"I've got a pen, my friends, and the first pork barrel-laden earmark,
big-spending bill that comes across my desk, I will veto it. You will know their
names. I will make them famous and we’ll stop this corruption."

But in the debate, he said that he would veto "every single spending bill that comes across my desk" followed by the "You will know their names" threat.

It's a small thing, but I think the government would grind to a halt if he vetoed every single spending bill.



Blogger Ross said...

Oooh. That almost makes me want to vote for him. Government grinding to a halt would be so spectacular.... Naah, it's just another campaign promise. :-)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:19:00 AM

Blogger Liam said...

Yeah, the cynical part of me had the same initial reaction.

But as I say, it probably wasn't even a promise but just McCain being lazy with a sentence he's said one too many times.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:19:00 PM


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