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Thursday, September 04, 2008

One Tiny Ray Of Light

In everything I watched tonight (see my previous post), Mike Huckabee deserves a little bit of a cheer.

I saw speeches from Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Huckabee and Sarah Palin, and the only one of the group that came across as polite, genuine and nice was Huckabee. The only one of the crowd that I can imagine liking as a person or enjoying socializing with (after we agreed to disagree on politics, which I have done with quite a few of my friends and co-workers, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility), the only one who stuck for the most part to the truth... I don't agree with all of what he said, but he stuck to the issues, and if you agree with him on the issues, then his argument held water. If you don't, it didn't.

On the other hand, if you agree with the other three (particularly Romney and Giuliani) politically, you still have to recognize, if you're being honest with yourself, the extent to which they were using lies, spin and half truths.

And Palin, something about her has rubbed me the wrong way since I first heard her speak. She reminds me of a certain type of person that I never got along with in my school days. I get the distinct sense that were I to meet her in person, she'd end up in the same pile of "people I never really want to associate with" as, well, Romney and Giuliani. And McCain. And, to name some from the other side, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman.

But I have to give it to Huckabee. He's either a far smoother politician than any of the rest of them, or he's that rarity in politics, the guy who's doing what he does because he actually believes in it, instead of because he believes it's what will get him elected.

Mike Huckabee, my hat is off to you tonight.



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