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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Playing Both Sides

It is beginning to look like the Republicans miscalculated. Apparently, they expected the bail-out bill to pass but be unpopular, and had planned to run AGAINST Democratic incumbents using it as ammunition.

In specific, Monday morning, before the vote, this ad was sent out to several stations to be aired that evening:

It clearly attempts to call the bailout plan "Barack Obama's plan", even though it originated with Secretary Paulson and was claimed as an achievemnt by John McCain.

But, as of today, McCain and the Republican Party are running at least two different ads blaming Obama for the failure to pass the bill (while saying in stump speeches that "now is not the time for laying blame"). There have been several attempts to link Obama to the failure, such as this:

and the RNC fundraising e-mail that went out with the subject line "Obama Stood By, Did Nothing, And Showed No Leadership On The Bailout Negotiations."

So apparently the Republican party and John McCain were and are prepared to use ANY outcome against Barack Obama.

Which sort of calls into question the veracity of anything they say on the subject.



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