A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Friday, March 07, 2014


So, I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm different.

Not just slightly different, but fundamentally different.

And I don't mean this in a "look at me, I'm a special, unique flower" way, I mean in a "damn, I suck, I make no sense, my behavior does not fit in to anyone's models of human behavior" way.

The more I read about human sexuality, for example, the more I realize that I'm not even in the same state as "normal human sexual response".

The more I read about human interactions, the more I realize that my own interactions are so very different.

And the more I compare my actual behavior to the model in my head of the person I want to be, the more I realize that I am not that person, and therein stems some of the roots of my depression.

I wish I knew why I was so different from everyone else.  I feel like an autistic person, but without a recognized syndrome to explain my differences away.  If I could just find a name for what I am, and a peer group that exhibits the same behaviors, so that I could say "No, I'm not wrong or broken or completely different, I just have Blah-de-blah's Syndrome, and I'm one of .75% of the population that has this, and there are other people like me!"

As it is, even when I run into someone whose brain appears to work the way mine does, such as one of my former girlfriends, I still find that those similarities end up seeming superficial, and she's still orders of magnitude closer to normal human behavior than I am.

And here's the key, it's not merely that I'm not the same, I literally do not understand some "normal" human behavior.  Intellectually I do, I can read the words I can understand the theories for why people behave the way they do, but if I were to act in that fashion, it would be theater, it would be a constant put on act and a conscious decision, and exceedingly tiring to try to do all the time (I spend enough energy trying to behave not-depressed on the days when I am).

So what is it?  Why am I so different?  And why does it make me feel so broken and just wrong?


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