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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

No Hillary in '08

Fresh faces. Fresh ideas. Idealism instead of corruption. That's what this country DESPERATELY needs.

We need someone new and different to step up, from either party or as an independent, and take our country back to where it was before it got shunted onto the wrong track for 8 years and then came completely off the rails for these last 6.

One of the severe symptoms of the decline and fall of our political system is Fox News, a "news" organization as blatantly partisan as the Right Wing (falsely) accuses the rest of the news media of being.

And so you'll understand how any politician getting into bed with Fox News immediately shows their colors as being more about the politics than about the good of the nation.

The latest of these is no less than Hillary Clinton. According to this article on MSNBC.com, Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox News) has agreed to host a fundraiser for Mrs. Clinton's re-election campaign.

I honestly have no idea what any of these people are thinking. Perhaps Murdoch (who doesn't do anything not calculated for maximum return on investment) sees the political tide shifting and believes his fortunes will do better thrown in with the liberals for a while. Or perhaps Hillary isn't the flaming left-wing moonbat the right so often portrays her as.

Regardless, this pairing of political strange bedfellows can't help but look bad for all parties involved. And so if for no other reason (and there are many), in my book this puts Hillary firmly in the "wouldn't be any better than Bush" category.




Blogger Liam said...

Yeah, that's my biggest concern... Six years ago, I would have sworn up and down that John McCain was the best man for the job.

Now, he spends all his time tripping over his own feet trying to get another chance to polish W's shoes with his tongue.

I'm actually starting to think Al Gore is looking good. His environmental policies are a bit far left, but that might be just what we need to counter the ecology destruction of the last 6 years.

I could get behind a Gore/Feingold ticket. Hell, for all his outbursts, I'm pretty sure we would have been better off with Howard Dean.

I'm not going to consider any Republicans at this point, not because I'm against Republicans as a class, but because I think we're having a really hard time figuring out who are the real, honorable conservatives and who are part of the so-called "culture of corruption".

Although, of course, given that I believe strongly in having a BALANCE of power, my opinions for the '08 Presidential elections may change depending on who is controlling the Congress at that time. I couldn't support Rice or anyone closely associated with the current Administration. I MIGHT support Powell, at least he had the backbone to stand up and be asked to leave.

Enough rambling for the night. I'm going to bore everyone away speculating when we don't even know yet who'll be running. :-)


Tuesday, May 09, 2006 11:51:00 PM


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