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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Plan to Build One America

I've mentioned my support for John Edwards recently on this blog, and I have (at least in comments) made reference to an innovative (or at least rare) approach he's had in his campaigning, the 80 page booklet he's giving out to anyone who wants one detailing is plans as President.

All of the candidates will, of course, tell you what they want to do, but we've all seen examples of some politician or other getting caught telling one thing to auto workers in Detroit and then something contradictory to the financial and management types on Wall Street.

John Edwards wrote his positions down, along with some specifics as to what (and how) he wants to accomplish during his Presidency if elected. He says he did it so that we can hold him accountable, and know he's telling us all the same things.

Regardless, if you are at all interested in reading over the document, one of my commenters here did the leg-work and found out that you can get an electronic copy of the file here. (It's in PDF, so you'll need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, but these days it's hard to find a computer without it).

Oh, and I should say, I'm sure other politicians have done something like this before, I don't necessarily mean to say that this alone is a reason to vote for Mr. Edwards. But so far this election cycle, in having seen Edwards, Obama and Bill Clinton (on behalf of his wife) on the Democratic side and Giuliani, McCain, Romney and Paul on the Republican side, Edwards is the only one giving out more than a one-page position flyer with almost no tangible information on it.


P.S. Thanks to regular reader Linda for finding the on-line version of the file!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I fully expected some insights from you after the NH primary. Have you recovered? Things go as you expected?

Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:25:00 PM


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