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Monday, October 20, 2008

How Important is Terrorist Support to McCain?

Last week, John McCain put up this list of prominent supporters. In the section titled "FORMER U.S. AMBASSADORS FOR MCCAIN-PALIN", check out the second name.

Lenore Annenberg

Yes, the same Annenberg that is responsible for the Annenberg Foundation, supporters of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the people who put up all of the money for William Ayres in the venture that eventually also had as a board member one Barack Obama, for which he has taken so much heat.

So apparently, if you sit on the board of a charitable foundation with someone who was a terrorist when you were pre-pubescent, that's unacceptable. But if you give large sums of money to a charitable foundation STARTED by that terrorist, then you're perfectly welcome to support John McCain.

Anyone want to guess what kind of hoopla we'd be hearing if Lenore Annenberg had supported Obama?


P.S. Someone recently suggested to me that factcheck.org (which receives its major funding from the Annenberg Foundation) might be biased in favor of Obama, since he sat on the board of an Annenberg funded charity. I think this pretty well trumps that. I'm still willing to take factcheck.org as non-partisan and unbiased, but I certainly will not listen to people tell me that they're likely to choose to be biased towards someone who was once one member of a board of people on a charity funded by Annenberg over someone the leader of the foundation supports.


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