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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wonderful Post

A few days ago, I had not heard of Kathleen Parker. She's apparently a solidly right-wing columnist, who had the audacity to question whether Palin was good for the ticket, the party or the nation (if she wins).

Yesterday, she wrote a response column, and it has a lot of good things to say about the extent to which much of this nation has bought into partisanship and adherence to message over principles.

You can find it here. It's a great read, and one we should all think about.

I'm sure I've fallen into the trap occasionally, even though I'm not formally allied with either party, because in this particular election I feel so strongly that we need a change in party.

I know others who happily trot out the most bogus claims, the most dubious logic, the most questionable twist on the meaning of some statement or other and pounce on it as incontravertible proof that the "other guy" is one step above antichrist in status and not worthy of cleaning gum off of the bottom of our shoes.

We really need to think more about this attitude we have, or else any time we get an elected official who is good for the nation, it'll be entirely by accident.



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