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Thursday, October 09, 2008

More on the Bail Out

Here's a nice video, detailing how Congress was pressured to pass the Bail Out bill. I meant to write about it before the vote, but I got involved in other things and forgot.

But here's the scoop, and it made me all the more opposed to the bail out bill: According to Rep. Brad Sherman (D-California), they were told in private conversations that without this bill, the market would drop 5000 points over a few days and that there would be martial law in the United States.

This is fear mongering, plain and simple, and smacks of the same pressuring that the Administration did for the Patriot Act in the days after 9/11. This Administration has used up its credibility. I wish more of our Representatives had seen this for the same sort of ham-handed coercion that went on in 2001 and had pushed back and required that more study go into the bill before it was passed.

If we've learned nothing else in the last 8 years, we've learned that when the Administration uses fear to try to urge a quick response, it's generally because there are things they want that they're afraid cooler heads will refuse to give them.

Here's one video of Sherman discussing this:

And here's a longer YouTube sound clip of Sherman on some radio show discussing the same thing...



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Apparently there were motives for strong-arming in order to get it passed ASAP. After viewing Sherman's comments here, I see that the reason for urgency was for the Secretary to have sufficient time prior to the end of Bush's term to dole out the money to whom they wanted. It's interesting his description of how the Secretary could discriminate, determining who gets the money. At first I thought that the urgency was to get it passed so that too much elapsed time would result in no passage, but now I see what the true motives were.

Bush no doubt saw the Titantic was sinking and was securing the rescue boats for himself and his croanies. That's quite evident with AIG. Perhaps Obama agreed (grudgingly, no doubt) to the revised bill with some oversight, knowing that with or without the initial bill, Bush would have his way -- thinking that oversight, no matter how limited, was better than none at all. McCain, on the other hand, was only backing Bush, as usual.

Thursday, October 09, 2008 10:37:00 AM

Blogger Liam said...

Yeah. Scary.

He can't be out of office fast enough.

Thursday, October 09, 2008 10:43:00 AM


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