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Monday, October 20, 2008

Suspended Campaigns...

Now this, I think, is a legitimate reason to suspend a campaign.

Barack Obama has announced that he will be cancelling his campaign events for two days to fly back to Hawaii to visit his ailing grandmother, whose health has reportedly taken a turn for the worse.

But to me, this differs from McCain's much touted "suspension" of his campaign over the bailout bill in several important ways. There is something useful Obama can do, his grandmother isn't going to suddenly fail moments after it looks like she's going to recover just because Obama sticks his nose in.

And more importantly, I don't expect Obama to make any political hay out of this, or even to try. He announced this with little fanfare, just enough to let people who had been planning to attend campaign events he was no longer going to participate in change their plans.

I predict little further mention of it by Obama, except to answer questions asked of him. I also predict ads from the McCain camp claiming that Obama wouldn't suspend when it was "important", and that this shows a lack of proper priorities on Obama's part.

And if I'm right, and we see that, just keep repeating "these are what real family values look like" until the lie is transparent.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'd guess this puts the McCain campaign in a bind. It ought to put them in a position of eliminating or toning down negative campaigning. But then again, I'm imagining a rational campaigner. So I'll be watching to see if your predictions are correct.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 8:32:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

The thing is, I can't even blame him if he spins this negatively. By all the polls, McCain is losing badly, and although there are plenty of examples (such as Kerry in 2004) of Dems polling really high but losing, McCain can't afford to just sit there and assume it'll happen again, and he doesn't really have time to re-brand himself as the high minded candidate.

So about all he can do is try to find the negative message that will resonate.

Hell, look at his continued line about "we need to know more about Obama's relationship with William Ayres". Really? We need to know more? How much more do we need to know? What more IS there to know?

It's a classic campaign move, no matter how much you know, just state it that way, it implies that there's this great mysterious and sinister secret that people are covering up.

And since it's just about impossible to PROVE a negative (try proving that there's NO life on any other planet in the universe), there's just no way to prove that there's no sinister secret, and the harder you try, the more you're accused of covering up.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:16:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ayres strategy is to get the words "terrorist" and "Obama" linked together in the same verbal paragraph whenever possible, hoping that the implied message sticks.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 11:51:00 AM

Blogger Cynthia Wilkinson said...

I haven't seen or heard anything said by anyone about Obama's visit to his Grandma's house and suspending his campaign. Did you?

I have seen a Palin manequin lynched from a house as a decoration. I wish both candidates would condemn that! Imagine if I hung a black manequin from my roof. I'd be shot in day, and it would seem a justifiable act to a large majority. Imagine if that manequin had Will smith's ears.

Off topic - I know. But hey - I have no sounding boards.

Monday, October 27, 2008 10:10:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

I never got a notice that this came in, sorry for the delay...

Yeah, there have been several disgusting acts on both sides in recent weeks. There have been effigies of both Palin and Obama in the past week hanging from nooses.

It's disgusting and should be condemned, but I didn't call for McCain to condemn the Obama one when it happened, and I don't call for Obama to condemn the Palin one now (the Obama one was earlier, or at least, I heard about it first).

It's not that I don't believe it should be condemned, it's just that the truth is that in a country this large, our candidates could spend all day, every day condemning and apologizing for the behaviors of some of their fringe supporters.

When/if it happens right there in front of them, they should probably shut it down (and it speaks well of both Obama and McCain that they have publically shut down such things at their rallies).

But there was no real need for Obama to apologize for the attack on Ashley Todd when it looked like it had been one of his supporters, and there was no real need for McCain to apologize FOR her when it turned out it was one of HIS.

It makes me sick that anyone would think this was proper behavior.


Saturday, November 01, 2008 11:58:00 AM


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