A place for Liam to post essays, comments, diatribes and rants on life in general.

Those fond of Liam's humor essays, they have been moved here.

Sunday, May 15, 2005



I've decided that the humor posts should be on a different blog than this one. I think that separation will better allow me to keep the funny essays funny, and not be confused with the political rants which I seem to be posting more and more of.

This blog will continue to be where I post Rants, Short Fiction, the occasional Serious Post, and where Janet will post occasionally (although she hasn't posted as much as I'd expected she would).

Over the next few days, I'll be migrating the humor columns over to the new blog.

My plan is to keep the index here up to date, although it may take a few days for the links to work correctly again.

I hope you'll continue to enjoy both blogs, I'll just be more easily able to separate the funny from the serious.

Thanks, all!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you're expanding, eh?

Nice. Must mean you're writing so mucho that your blogeth runneth overeth. (I have no idea why I'm talking this way)

Be sure to include an index on you humor blog. That's mighty handy.

But where do you put the in-between stories? The ones which aren't humor, and yet not quite serious? Maybe it's time to create a real website, more flexible than this blog thing, where you can organize things better. If you want all of this to be a kind of portfolio of your writing, wouldn't you want it all in one spot? I mean, if you're going to show off all that you write, wouldn't it be better to have everything at one site, but one where you can have different pages? Just a thought, for what it's worth.

I like the political stuff too. It gets me thinking. Scary thing, me thinking.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 9:57:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, I know where you can get free software (from the internet) for setting up a discussion board, if you're interested. It might be something handy that you could link to your blog or website. Might be fun for a discussion of politics. And you can also link back to your writings. .... Just another pesky thought...... But let me know if you're interested.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:03:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

To answer the comments, roughly in order...

1) I plan to keep both blogs indexed, with the original blog having a "Master Index". If you look at it right now, you'll find I've already moved all of the humor stuff, but the index on the original blog still points to the other blog, so except for the ability to scroll down and just SEE the posts, it's not like they're going to be completely separate. I just think they're organized better.

2) Everything except humor columns will remain on this blog. The thing is, I started this with the intention of trying to see if I could become a popular humorist, and it feels like everything else might be sort of poluting that effort. This way, anyone who just cares about the humor only reads that blog. Anyone who really cares what my opinions are on politics, or wants to read my stories or my more serious essays can stay on this one and just follow the links to the other one.

3) I think for right now, the Blogspot software is working well enough. With this separation, this blog becomes more truly blog-like, while the other becomes largely a repository of humor essays. I don't really think THIS blog would be any more effective in another form. Thanks, however, for the suggestion.

4) Thanks, emailhosting, I don't expect anything except the organization of the postings to change. I still expect to post regularly to both blogs, and keep up the indexes. I'm glad you're finding it interesting, and truly hope you continue to!


Sunday, May 15, 2005 10:31:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem, Liam.
I'll read your stuff no matter where you've got it.

P.S., I think you might check your computer clock. The times don't seem quite right, but I could be wrong. (I often am)

Monday, May 16, 2005 6:36:00 AM

Blogger Ralph said...

This will be helpful to us confused souls. All this time I thought your rants were amusing.

Monday, May 16, 2005 2:53:00 PM


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