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Sunday, September 04, 2005

VoW: Thursday, Five Thirty p.m.

Hi guys....
Here's what we know:
My brother has been to the Cortana Wal-Mart, which he says are completely
sold out of guns (he was sent for LETTUCE!!). He's talked to [gun store]
(a friend of his) and was told that there were 300 people waiting in line to
buy them. [Sports store] on [street] has closed because of "rioting in the
store" according to an employee there. My sister in law's sister works
downtown in a law office and was told by a police officer that there were
carjackings and that if they were her they would leave.
I know that the city wants to downplay these events so that people don't
I'm with you [name]. We're staying inside. The kids are watching Little House
on the Prairie and we're trying to maintain some sense of normalcy. It's
scary tho to see how desperate people are.
As I've been saying... I don't think we'll know all the ramifications of
this for quite a while.
(who's housing [their] refugee brother & family from Mississippi)


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