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Monday, November 07, 2005

Oh Please, whatever powers may be, DON'T let this be true...

Daily Kos is reporting that a recent report on Italian TV purports to prove that US forces dropped chemical weapons on the town of Fallujah, indiscriminantly hitting civilians as well as military targets.

If this turns out to be true (and I still pray that it does not), we will have lost the last shred of moral superiority we may once have had over Saddam Hussein.

Because remember, the strongest argument that's been made against him is that he was a dictator who tortured his own people and used chemical weapons on some of them.

Well, how can we, with any kind of straight face, charge him with these crimes when we, in his place, found exactly the same tactics necessary and/or useful in keeping "the insurgents" down?

How can we call him morally reprehensible and ourselves liberators and the forces of freedom, when Iraqi citizens suffer virtually the same fate from us as they did from him, but with less stability in the region and more IEDs?

The Daily Kos article is here.

Read it, and then keep your fingers crossed that this turns out to be a liberal fabrication, because if it's real, we'll have lost any shred of sympathy in the eyes of the rest of the world the next time we get hit, while simultaneously virtually ensuring that we will be.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You state that you don't know if it is true or not, but then you go into a diatribe about how horrible it is. You know the Italian press is anti USA and REALLY anti BUSH. Hold onto your horses and remember, that EVERY atrocity that has been substantiated has been punished by the military or brought to either Court or Tribunal.

Monday, November 07, 2005 7:49:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

It IS horrible, if it happened.

There is a video link in the article to the actual aired story. I didn't watch it (couldn't at work). My wife did, or did until she couldn't bear to watch it any more. Told me I really shouldn't watch it.

Among the things she DID see were several American servicemen outright stating that they used Napalm on known civilian areas.

Oh, and I don't believe that every atrocity has been fully punished. Every day more information comes out that indicates that the policy of this Administration is torture, and yet the abu Ghraib "punishment" was reserved for a few GIs at the bottom. I think any half-honest reading of the information that's come out makes it pretty clear that the policy (if not direct orders) came down from Rumsfeld.

So no, I don't think every atrocity that has been substantiated has been punished. I also don't think that every atrocity that has happened has been substantiated, what with the increasingly corporate main-stream media essentially repeating the Administration party line, only deviating from it when facts become so overwhelmingly clear that they can't be disputed.

And please don't fall back on that tired cliche of the "liberal media". That hasn't been true for at least 15 years. The supposedly liberal media HAMMERED Clinton with a lot of things which were subsequently shown to be false or overstated, and that same media has given Bush a pass on much more eggregious abuses of power.


Monday, November 07, 2005 10:11:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

Oh, and... If you don't believe that torture is part and parcel of the current Administration's standard operating procedure, ask yourself why Bush would threaten the first veto of his entire presidency on a spending bill for the war in Iraq just to get rid of the "anti-torture" legislation.

Why has Cheney been pushing so hard for an exemption for the CIA? If we don't torture and don't CONDONE the torture of prisoners, then why in heaven's name get so worked up about making not torturing the law of the land?


Monday, November 07, 2005 10:14:00 PM

Blogger Liam said...

BBC is now reporting the same thing, although to be fair, they're reporting that Italian TV is saying this, so perhaps it's not new information. But since the original source, Daily Kos, is a known liberal site, I thought it might be good to note that the same story is coming through more legitimate (read less partisan) news sources.

Click here for the story.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:08:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...


This is a link that discusses how the Pentagon admits to using White Phosphorous in Iraq.At first they only admitted to using it as illumination, but then they denied that and said that it was 'misinformation' and requited that they used it on the ground against insurgents. But, not being a 'specific' weapon, I'm certain that the targets weren't the only ones hit with the chemical.

So sad, so very sad... both that I believed this to be possible as soon as I heard it, and even more so that it was proven to be true.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:40:00 PM

Blogger Ross said...

Yup, it hit Google News today.


"... an article published by the US Army's Field Artillery Magazine in its issue of March/April this year.

The article, written by a captain, a first lieutenant and a sergeant, was a review of the attack on Falluja in November 2004 and in particular of the use of indirect fire, mainly mortars.

It makes quite clear that WP was used as a weapon not just as illumination or camouflage. "

I am feeling very sick to my stomach.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:12:00 PM


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