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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fiscal Responsibility

Another news story that broke recently is interesting less for what it is than for what it represents to a party that took such great umbrage to John Edwards' $400 haircut, using it to paint him as elitist and out of touch with average Americans:

Since being selected as running mate for John McCain, the Republican National Committee has spent over $150,000 on clothing and make-up for Gov. Palin and her family.

That's almost $2,500 per day since she was selected, more each day than the average family spends ANNUALLY on clothing (per the Bureau of Labor Statistics). More than four times the annual income of "Joe the Plumber", if he earns the median salary for plumbers ($37,514 per salary.com).

Now, there's probably nothing LEGALLY wrong with this, as the campaign and the RNC say all of the clothing will be donated to charity once the campaign is over.

Still, for a woman who spends much of her time trying to appeal as a "joe six-pack" and "hockey mom" every-woman, this shows how out of touch she actually is with average America.

Turnabout is fair play. If Edwards was out of touch because he got a haircut which turned out to cost $400, what does this say about Palin?



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